First, I never thought I would be blogging! I am baby stepping into this foreign territory and dipping my toes in, so be gentle on this ol’ dog learning new tricks! 2023 must be the year of NEW because ya’ll … I have been BUSY over these winter months so far!!
After being in business for over 10 years, I had found my groove! Things were sailing along, I had an AMAZING client base that I had worked very hard to build up over time, I absolutely love what I do, and business was great! Why fix what isn’t broken right??! Well… here’s a quick little something about me. I don’t like to stand still in comfort’s lane for too long. I like a challenge, I like to grow, I NEED to evolve, and most important, I have an incessant desire to give my clients a better experience, better quality, and better service.
There was always a small nagging in my head, an itch, if you will, that bothered me after delivering my clients beautiful galleries. SO many of them shared how time consuming and difficult it was to actually take their beautiful digitals from their session and get their pictures up on the wall to display. We are ALL busy mamas right?? I 100% relate to my clients in that facet of life. We have kids, sports, activities, full time jobs, and things like ordering prints from your session tend to take a back seat until life slows down, right? Problem is, life rarely throws us a bone and slows down.
This is something I wanted to change…
Fast forward to LOTS of prayer, deliberation, back and forth brain battles, prepping, and planning, I have decided to take my business and my clients to the next level! THP is now a FULL-SERVICE portrait studio, bringing you the absolute BEST of both worlds, marrying digital and print art together! My GOAL as your photographer is to completely eliminate the “hard” and the “time consuming” and the “I’ll get around to it one day,” and 100% DO IT FOR YOU.
I want you to leave your experience with me feeling like you just had a day at the spa and walked away with a brand new bag full of goodies! And you literally will! Goodies that you can put directly on your walls and in your home to display and love and adore for years to come, and then pass down to your children one day. THIS is our ultimate goal right? We want these memories to be solidified and cherished forever. I don’t know about you, but I have oodles of digital images somewhere on some computer or some old phone that I fear will be forgotten or lost forever, never to be enjoyed. The black hole of photos. Well, no more!!
Today I want to introduce to you just one of my new products that you’ll have the opportunity to see, touch, experience when you visit the studio, and possibly enjoy in your own home… The Heirloom Album. She is classic, archival, timeless, absolutely stunning and of the highest quality.
Go on and take a peek….
Revealing of a Newborn Heirloom Album
Click below to get inspired with other wall art products for your home!